miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Rebecca Cunningham

ESPAÑOL: Rebecca (y los demás pasajeros) deben quitarse la ropa para usarla como combustible para el avión, quedando todos en ropa interior. Imágenes de la serie Los Aventureros del Aire, episodio "My Fair Baloo".
Muchas gracias a José Tomas por el enlace al episodio.

ENGLISH: Rebecca (and everyone else) must take off her clothes to use them as fuel for the plane, ending in her underwear, in this episode of  TaleSpin, ("My Fair Baloo").
Thanks a lot to José Tomas for the link to the episode. 

2 comentarios:

  1. In case you need more tips, in the episodes, Mommy For a day, Her Chance to Dream and, I think, Plunder and lightning, Rebecca and Molly can be seen wearing pajamas in those episodes. Just bringing up some more information for you, that's all.

  2. Oh and another tip for you from this cartoon series, in the episode The Balooest of the Blue Bloods, Rebecca is wearing a nightdress and nightcap.
