sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Lincoln Loud & Clyde McBride

ESPAÑOL: Lincoln y Clyde en calzoncillos.
Imágenes de la serie The Loud House, episodio "Pasture Bestime".
Lamento estar un poco ausente estos días. Me estoy tomando algo de tiempo para mí y para otros hobbies (videojuegos, leer libros, etc). Eventualmente retomaré el ritmo habitual de postear.

ENGLISH: Lincoln and Clyde in their undies.
Screenshots from the show The Loud House, episode "Pasture Bestime".
I am sorry about not posting as often these days. I have been taking some "me" time, focusing on other hobbies (videogames, reading my books, etc). Eventually I will be back to the usual pacing of activity in this blog.

2 comentarios:

  1. Can you have the next post be a female character sunbathing in her bikini? Can you name 3 options for me to choose from?

    1. No, sorry.

      I mean, I will upload a girl in bikini but I rather choose her myself.
