martes, 22 de junio de 2021


ENGLISH: Today we have some scans from the german book Lina, die Entdeckerin (Lina the Explorer), about a girl named Lina who explore and learns about her body. 

Thanks to Meowovitch for uploading the pictures online and thanks to Keikikahuna for the link. 

ESPAÑOL: Hoy tenemos unos escaneos del libro alemán Lina, die Entdeckerin (Lina La Exploradora), sobre una chica llamada Lina que explora y aprende sobre su cuerpo. 

Gracias a Meowovitch por subir las imágenes a internet y a Keikikahuna por el link..

12 comentarios:

  1. Mas que livrinho mais POLÊMICO em? E meio doentil! E vou até confessar, eu "as vezes" acesso Rule 34, um certo site de hentais e nele infelizmente publicam algumas lolis, mas muitos são bem mais LEVE do que esse livro aí

  2. And if "Dora the Explorer" were on her place? 😏

    1. I think even you must also think that they exaggerated the scenes. And researching, it shows even heavier scenes, such as an image of the open vagina (although it doesn't show that it's the girl because there's hair around it). How did the Germans RELEASE this sex education magazine for children?

    2. Dragomaniaco
      Until today, I even think that Japan allows sex. See in Mangas and Animes with or without censorship.

    3. Dragomaniaco
      When we are alone in home, we can watch her in the kitchen table in website or in book like this"mitt Würstchen 🍖 und bier 🍺". 🔥 Lol

  3. There's White Panty Shots in a several publications in Mangas and a several in Animes of "Sumire Hoshino" as Parko, the hero girl in "Perman" and "Eri Kasuga" in "Chinpui".

  4. Pearlie wears a pink Bikini and Opal uses a bath tower. A both are in a Spa fairy in episode "Snip and Snit" on the show "Pearlie".

  5. Angel’s Friends Season 2 Episode 32

  6. Candy a female cat wears a dive suit on the show "Kid-e-Cats" on the episode "Kittens Go Driving".

  7. Bertina the Bert's cousin uses Bikini in "Bert & Ernie Great Adventures" on episode "Beach".
