domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023

Chen & Marie-Rose

ENGLISH: Chen in a swimsuit (the bottom part, anyway, lol). Marie-Rose, Cedric's mother, can also be seen in a swimsuit. 

Screenshots from the show Cédric, episodes "Les Petits Bateaux" and "J'aime pas les Vacances".

A big thank you to Veston for the pictures. 

ESPAÑOL: Chen en traje de baño (bueno, la parte de abajo al menos). La madre de Cédric, Marie-Rose, también aparece en algunas de las imágenes.

Capturas de la serie Cédric, episodios "Les Petits Bateaux" and "J'aime pas les Vacances".

Un agradecimiento a Veston por enviar los screenshots. 

7 comentarios:

  1. The Suicide Shop
    Alan Tuvache: 20:02 when he was held by his pants by Mishima
    Lucrèce Tuvache: 34:44 when she was bathing in a bathtub of blood during the opening of the song "Le duo de Lucrèce et Mishima"
    Marilyn Tuvache: 44:07-44:36 while she was stripping down until she's naked and started dancing with a scarf Alan gave her as a birthday present with oriental music in 44:47-45:42 and Lucrèce saw it drawing from in Alan's journey in 51:01-51:09 as one of those old fashion film projectors

  2. Hi. Since you posted these can you do the Chen comic ones too? Someone posted links in the previous Cedric blog post.

    1. Chen also has some scenes in a one piece in the same episode.

  3. Respuestas
    1. I always see and read your comments, man.
      I know I don't always answer but is because sometimes I don't know what to say.

  4. Tom Sawyer pajamas from Tom Sawyer 2000 You can search on YouTube and type Tom Sawyer 2000

    1. Sorry, man, we don't do pajamas scenes anymore.

      They were not worth the effort,in terms of views and visits to the blog.
