lunes, 10 de julio de 2023

People from Educational Book / Pareja de un libro educativo

ENGLISH: Hi, everyone. Sory about not being around, got sick with a strong cold, so I been trying to take it easy. Still feel bad actually. 

While I get better, have some scans from a sex edl book I found at a garage sale: Lola and Paco: Sexual Education for Preschoolers.

ESPAÑOL: Hola a todos. Lamento estar ausente estos días, me agarró un resfriado bastante fuerte que todavía no se me ha quitado. 

Mientras me mejoro, tengan estas ilustraciones, son de un libro que ncontré en una venta de garage: Lola y Paco: Educación Sexual Preescolar

8 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Not really, I've been coughing a lot and my head feels... uh, do you ever get a cold or fever and you head feels like heavy? Like that.

      I will be ok, thanks for your concern.

    2. Edward
      Poor guy! Drink much water. Eat fruits to hydrate. Gain fibers enough. Take easy with sauce and pepper cause pressure falls on sick stage! Winter REALLY punish!
      In these days I feel any headaches from one head side but i won't serious. Cause head pains improved. God bless you! I praying for u!

  2. Ben 10 Season 1 Episode 11 A Small Problem
    Hope you get better

  3. The flu is also big here in Brazil, luckily my father and I haven't caught it yet. Good improvement
