Nossa, eu já vi essa animação no Cartoon Network, uma turma que virou um peixe e fez amizades com esse cavalo marinho e tiveram que enfrentar um tubarão tirano que queria a formula para se tornar um ser humano inteligente e dominar o Mundo aquativo, o protagonista menino no final fez um monte de perguntas a ele para que o próprio bebesse a formula e virasse um ser humano "dentro da água", morrendo em seguida, todos os humanos que viraram peixes voltaram ao normal e ouve uma cena bem triste que pensaram que o menino que salvou a todos morreu por ficar fora da água ainda transformado em peixe, mas ele na realidade está vivo e com apenas um braço quebrado, terminando com aquele final dos PRINTS, é uma bela animação, tem outros personagens com trajes de banho e também um desnude, do próprio vilão tubarão que virou um ser humano achando que com isso iria ganhar a inteligencia humana e ir dominar o mundo aquático
In "Robot Boy" appears panty shots of "Lola Mbola" in penultimate episode in episode "The Return of Robot Girl" and appears Lola's panty in a bumper commercial from Cartoon Network (Lola is on amusement park. She gonna throw a ball in a target of a toy to throw her villain in pool). And appears one nude and one panty shot scenes of "Lola" in episode "Traffic Slam";
In "Mega Babies" have Panty Shots in episodes: "The Creature from the Blackhead Lagoon" (A gotic girl unnamed dance in a club. Appears her black panty). And in "Berried Alive" (Appears white panty of a woman unnamed when she got off of airplane broken. She wasn't alone when she got off of airplane. She got off of airplane in a people group). Yet in "Mega Babies" have Bikini's scenes of "Mae" a mutant baby and other girls in beach in episode "Beach from Beyond"; In "Nightmare of the Sleepwalker" have Bikini's scenes of a unnamed pretty blonde girl in a wrestling ring (Detail: Have a strong fighter woman in fight ring. She use Bikini, too. But she is extremely ugly. Please, don't post her in screenshots!); and in "Poop Doggy Style" have Bikini's scene of a unnamed little girl taking a bath in a child pool of brother's side;
In "The Oblongs" have several Panty Shots of "Helga Phugly" a chubby toad little girl;
And in "Die Ketchup Vampires" a german cartoon have Panty Shots of "Huberta DaSilva" in episode 7 - "Lieb und Eifersucht" (Huberta has yellow panty When she finishes fly and goes to step with one foot on the floor); and episode 10 - Die Vertauschten (Huberta has pink panty when she falls in Martha's top and get up quick). Yet in "Die Ketchup Vampires" in penultimate episode, episode 12 - "Die schwarze Witwe", has pajama scene of "Huberta DaSilva".
Have nudes of "The Powerpuff Girls" in episode "Down n Dirty". In final scene of this episode is "Buttercup" nude in tower. And a nude scene in episode "Nano of the North" (The three little girls gets naked in them door's house).
Nossa, eu já vi essa animação no Cartoon Network, uma turma que virou um peixe e fez amizades com esse cavalo marinho e tiveram que enfrentar um tubarão tirano que queria a formula para se tornar um ser humano inteligente e dominar o Mundo aquativo, o protagonista menino no final fez um monte de perguntas a ele para que o próprio bebesse a formula e virasse um ser humano "dentro da água", morrendo em seguida, todos os humanos que viraram peixes voltaram ao normal e ouve uma cena bem triste que pensaram que o menino que salvou a todos morreu por ficar fora da água ainda transformado em peixe, mas ele na realidade está vivo e com apenas um braço quebrado, terminando com aquele final dos PRINTS, é uma bela animação, tem outros personagens com trajes de banho e também um desnude, do próprio vilão tubarão que virou um ser humano achando que com isso iria ganhar a inteligencia humana e ir dominar o mundo aquático
ResponderEliminarSim, mas não quero fazer upload de fotos daquele homem feio.
EliminarIn "Robot Boy" appears panty shots of "Lola Mbola" in penultimate episode in episode "The Return of Robot Girl" and appears Lola's panty in a bumper commercial from Cartoon Network (Lola is on amusement park. She gonna throw a ball in a target of a toy to throw her villain in pool).
ResponderEliminarAnd appears one nude and one panty shot scenes of "Lola" in episode "Traffic Slam";
In "Mega Babies" have Panty Shots in episodes: "The Creature from the Blackhead Lagoon" (A gotic girl unnamed dance in a club. Appears her black panty). And in "Berried Alive" (Appears white panty of a woman unnamed when she got off of airplane broken. She wasn't alone when she got off of airplane. She got off of airplane in a people group).
Yet in "Mega Babies" have Bikini's scenes of "Mae" a mutant baby and other girls in beach in episode "Beach from Beyond"; In "Nightmare of the Sleepwalker" have Bikini's scenes of a unnamed pretty blonde girl in a wrestling ring (Detail: Have a strong fighter woman in fight ring. She use Bikini, too. But she is extremely ugly. Please, don't post her in screenshots!); and in "Poop Doggy Style" have Bikini's scene of a unnamed little girl taking a bath in a child pool of brother's side;
In "The Oblongs" have several Panty Shots of "Helga Phugly" a chubby toad little girl;
And in "Die Ketchup Vampires" a german cartoon have Panty Shots of "Huberta DaSilva" in episode 7 - "Lieb und Eifersucht" (Huberta has yellow panty When she finishes fly and goes to step with one foot on the floor); and episode 10 - Die Vertauschten (Huberta has pink panty when she falls in Martha's top and get up quick).
Yet in "Die Ketchup Vampires" in penultimate episode, episode 12 - "Die schwarze Witwe", has pajama scene of "Huberta DaSilva".
Have nudes of "The Powerpuff Girls" in episode "Down n Dirty". In final scene of this episode is "Buttercup" nude in tower. And a nude scene in episode "Nano of the North" (The three little girls gets naked in them door's house).
Anything else new for pantyshots?
EliminarALewdLad Yes. I'll tell any more when Edward put another new archive (Bikini, Bra, Panty Shots and nude) on web.
EliminarCaptain Planet Season 1 Episode 26 Heat Wave And Season 4 Episode 7 Sea No Evil
ResponderEliminarNoted, I will put it on the list.