sábado, 2 de abril de 2022

Andrea Davenport

ENGLISH: Andrea en su pijama. 

Imágenes de la serie El Fantasma y Molly McGee, episodio "Saving Christmas".

ESPAÑOL: Andrea in her pajamas. 

Screenshots from the show The Ghost and Molly McGee, episode "Saving Christmas".

8 comentarios:

  1. In "It's Punky Brewster" Margaux Kramer leaved escapes white panty in two episodes:

    "Any Wish Way You Can".
    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FyEK0C-5ylU. (In 1:40 - Glomer makes Margaux slips on the carpet from Punky's room).

    And "Louvre Affair".
    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R1nODQSepx8 (In 16:28 - After a
    Desastrous warplane trip, Margaux down to the plane showing her white panty).

    1. Thanks for your references. I will try to get to them soon, I been busy these last days.

  2. White panty of a shy little girl holding her pink dress tense in the beginning of show before begins episode 11 - "The Pink Cats Eye/A Rhyme in Time" from "Garbage Pail Kids".


    1. Visto em 0:01 do video, esse foi mesmo super fácil de encontrar

  3. Ghostforce episode mikroo panty shot of a cheerleader when a ghost shrink people and near the end when everyone turn back to normal the cheerleader is sitting up and you can see her gray panties

    1. I didn't know Ghostforce had that kind of scenes, I will look for this scene.

    2. I told you about months ago.You probably forgot the shows I told you about.
