sábado, 21 de mayo de 2022

Ai, Black Maiden & Jewel Princess

ENGLISH: Combining screenshots from two different shows today, to help me clear my archives. 

First we have a naked, green-haired Ai from Popotan, episode "Farewell".

Then we have redhead Black Maiden, who is topless. The silver-haired woman with her is Jewel Princess, who seems to be wearing some kid of underwear made of rocks, I think? 

They are from the 1994 anime New Cutie Honey (aka Sin Cutie Honey or New Cutey Honey), from the episode "The Sweet Trap of the Jewel Princess".   

ESPAÑOL: Hoy voy a combinar imágenes de dos animes diferentes, para ir limpiando mis galerías de imágenes. 

La chica de cabello verde es Ai, de la serie Popotan, episodio "La Despedida". 

Luego la chica pelirroja de pecho plano es Black Maiden y la otra con el pelo plateado es Jewel Princess, quien parece usar una especie de ropa interior hecha de rocas. 

Las dos son de la serie Cutie Honey, La Guerrera del Amor (la serie de 1994, también conocida como Shin Cutie Honey o New Cutie Honey), del episodio "The Sweet Trap of the Jewel Princess".

3 comentarios:

  1. Babs Bunny wears a purple Pajama in 7 Minutes and 7 Seconds and It appears her ass white Panty in 7 Minutes and 32 Seconds from episode "Stuff That Goes Bump in the Night" (Don't have episode segment). And Elmyra Duff wears a green Bikini inside home in 12:00 on episode segment - "Fang You Very Much".

  2. There's a white panty of an anonymous little girl in 9 Minutes and 20 Seconds from show "The Adventures of Sam and Max: Freelance Police" in episode "The Tell Tales Tail" (Max's angry tail alive throw a cute little girl straight from river).

  3. O retorno da mulher com peito de MACHO, he-he
