jueves, 28 de julio de 2022

Luanne Platter / Lola Plata

ENGLISH: My older brother is back at his house, so I finally have my room back to myself and things should be getting back to normal. Thank you all so much for the comments of support, they mean a lot.

So let's try to get back to regular posting. Today we have Luanne's pantyshot scenes from the show King of the Hill, episode "Luanne Virgin 2.0".

ESPAÑOL: Mi hermano mayor ya volvió a su propia casa, así que por fin recuperé mi cuarto y las cosas en general deberían ir volviendo a la normalidad, en general. Muchísimas gracias por sus comentarios de apoyo, es bonito sentir esa solidaridad, incluso si es a través de internet. 

Intentemos volver a las publicaciones regulares. Hoy tenemos a Lola Plata y una escena donde se le ven los calzones. De la serie Los Reyes de la Colina, episodio "Peggy es Virgen por Segunda Vez". 

45 comentarios:

  1. Apesar dessa serie ser daquelas bem BREGAS, mas algo nela me faz eu me interessar em assistir... além do fato desse desenho ser o ÚNICO que conheço na Fox que não tem classificação mais 18 ter pelo menos DOIS EPISODIOS contendo topless explicitos (e de mulheres adulta, não te tetinha de criança)!

    1. Além é claro de um episodio já postado nesse blog, mas parece que a Fox decidiu CENSURAR por algum motivo as tetas das mulheres adultas daqui, eu to achando que esses dois episodios que ocorreram deve ter ocorrido algum tipo de TRETA com a audiencia, ou com os proprios diretores na Fox, para decidirem censurar a partir daqui os mamilos femininos, que não passavam de pontinhos pretos semi-transparentes apenas

    2. Dragomaniaco Mike Judge inspirated himself in a acid and surreal humor animation. Fact is in watch theirs characters real faces and how they acts during habitual daily.

    3. I never heard of this show having topless scenes outside of promos or commercials.

    4. Edward, There was an episode called Baptism of Virgins (I think it's that name) that Hank's daughter was baptized to remove her impurity from losing her virginity without getting married, she was baptized with a white blouse, where after coming out of the waters, she appeared the nipples. Hank's Wife confessed to having had her virginity taken by another before getting married, she to show total loyalty to her husband, did the baptism too and showed the nipples on the white blouse.

      And I believe there should be more than one similar episode. Although you have already shown this episode proving my theory, although in this one the breasts were already censored

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8TyvfPTZ0E&t=350s
    With this qualify
    This is Aloncé and her backup dancers in 28 seconds
    And this is just Aloncé 1 minute and 17 seconds, 1 minute and 23 seconds, 2 minutes and 28 seconds, 11 minutes and 39 seconds, 14 minutes and 59 seconds, 15 minutes and 3 seconds, 15 minutes and 18 seconds, 15 minutes and 26 seconds, 18 minutes and 40 seconds, 18 minutes and 53 seconds, 18 minutes and 57 seconds, 19 minutes and 2 seconds, 19 minutes and 17 seconds, 19 minutes and 59 seconds, 20 minutes and 9 seconds, and 20 minutes and 10 seconds

  3. Edward Thanks to post, bro! I was waiting for this "King of Hill" episode.

  4. There's two cathegories from "Fatal Fury" anime movie:

    Panty Shots: It appears a black panty of an anonymous fancy girl scaried (With a Monster) with a yellow dress in 15 Minutes and 24 Seconds; Sulia wears a black panty too when Terry carry to save her in a attack enemy moment in 42 Minutes and 36 Seconds and Sulia reveals wears a white panty and white bra in part of 53 Minutes and 31 Seconds+ 54 Minutes and 46 Seconds. She gets naked on Terry fainted front; and Mia during fights has a white panty in 58 Minutes and 7 Seconds, 1 Hour: 13 Minutes and 12 Seconds and 1 Hour: 25 Seconds and 19 Seconds.

    And Bath Nude: Mia take a Bath in 1 Hour: 13 Minutes and 11 Seconds.


  5. It appears two cathegories from "Zoe Késako" (Her cartoon series show):

    Panty Shot in episode "Whozatgirl" - 3 Minutes and 5 Seconds.

    And Pajama in episode "Lucky Charm"
    - 7 Minutes and 48 Seconds. https://m.wcostream.com/zo-kzako-episode-25-lucky-charm

  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KB4FsoHH8og

  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JgFUUt1hWlU

  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=doayXUfmNKQ

  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=am2Vsp_TVeg
    Look for wheels on the bus first one

    1. There's some more in the vid butI'm gonna try to find the short version

    2. ScreenCapper99 Started well. 0:28

  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b-joNU9em1w
    The girls name is yo yo.I don't know the moms name.

  11. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv62gCzZKz8

  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LA2q3QwhG54

  13. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jWrNXfN6X_4

  14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nAim-hq8W7M
    Pantyshot on the swings.pajamas in this too.

  15. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4mdQgvGrhwU&vl=en

  16. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3oe4COqIRCE

  17. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgBatPXEpEzrIpGE4t8lEc6V7XsxzQX3r

  18. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6WIBHSzLpvA

  19. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZiBJv7fq00gj4KbQSJI7N3Hg22jzJlyy
    Swimsuit scene s in a bunch of episodes.

  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cEmY61WlYhA&list=PLXFQhaF0_n9tmBiYilSQ7KbpifGgy9kzE&index=70

  21. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jmTDnmCAUdQ

  22. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YtjAQh374QA

  23. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=niDt6rZ7yHw
    There are pajamas episodes.

  24. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cfvhK5LZGcA&list=PLXFQhaF0_n9tmBiYilSQ7KbpifGgy9kzE&index=71

  25. D.J.T.O.B.Ã.O., you have a great competitor here. And ScreenCapper99, don't worry, it's just a blogger here that posts, I could put together all the ideas in a single post, instead of spamming all these links

    1. Dragomaniaco Thanks. I accept contact partnership group. We are ALL same.

    2. Dragomaniaco
      I was more aware when Edward posted the "Heather Donhuckle" screenshots: "Não devias ter citado o nome dele, agora ele vai encher aqui de DEZENAS DE IDÉIAS para se postar :P apesar que pelo menos você possui uma enorme quantidade de postagens sobre desnudes, ou roupas intimas, ou toalhas a se postar durante muitos meses, ou até mesmo anos na certa, dependendo do tempo de vida desse blog e da sua vontade em mante-lo". Really! I was exaggerating in the comments. For that, i reduced to TWO comments. Got better!

    3. Sorry for all the links.Some of these links are from shows I've mentioned months ago so this time I decided to give him the links instead.

    4. Even if you left a comment months ago, I plan to get to them. I mean, eventually, because there a lot of refereces on line, but I will get to them.

      Thanks for the links.

    5. I know but my early post didn't have links.plus remember YouTube likes to take down videos.I download them to cap later because links do eventually end up dead.

  26. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvWVtul_yiI

  27. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ITK-gsVnzWc

  28. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=obVBNJc-evw

  29. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aqQ1WerWMUc

  30. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HEPUUFEC1HQ#dialog
    There used to be a higher quality one it's gone now.
