viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

Girls from Mehua / Chicas de Mehua

ENGLISH: The girls from the french short Mehua appear first naked while taking a bath, then wearing only skirts. 

You can watch the short here, but you shoud be warned it contains plenty of blood and murder scenes. 

ESPAÑOL: Las chicas que protagonizan el cortometraje francés Mehua aparecen primero desnudas y tomando un baño, y luego vistiendo únicamente faldas. 

Si quieren ver el corto pueden hacerlo por aquí, pero contiene bastante sangre y asesinatos. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow, how come an EXPLICIT topless animation wasn't rated plus 18 on YouTube? Anyway, I've already downloaded the animation in case they decide to delete it, even though there is NO content with sexual intercourse, but just because of the exposed body without having the right classification, they can delete the video. Anyway, another nude for the blog collection :D

  2. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was released just now

  3. They're remaking dora into 3d. there's a swimsuit scene at 0:11 .There's bound to be a beach episode at some point.

    There's a swimsuit scene in growing up creepie episode creep of the deep. starts at 11:16.This episode along with the episodes of nina's world and rosie's rule has me thinking that pantyshots from 2d art are no longer obtainable.When you look at this episode,You'll understand the direction the artist are going.

    1. ScreenCapper99
      Excuse me! But it's rainbow land's Mario kart track. Isn't dora's episode.
