viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

Sooraya Qadir (Dust)

ENGLISH: Sooraya (aka Dust) ends up naked behind a tree after a fight against other mutants. The blue-haired girl gives her some clothes.

From the Marvel comic series New X-Men from 2004 (aka X-Men Academy). 

ESPAÑOL: Sooraya (alias Dust o Arena), acaba desnuda detrás de un árbol después de un combate contra otros mutantes. La chica de cabello azul le trae ropa para que pueda salir. 

Fuente: la serie New X-Men de 2004, creo que en algún momento le cambiaron el nombre a X-Men Academy.

3 comentarios:

    The first half the girls are in swimsuits at the beach
    9:57 Atena was showering and in 10:09 Sutea walked in
    Atena appeared in a flashback in 18:15
    13:15 there's a framed beach picture of them
    14:10 Koshi pantyshot when cross dressing
    14:50 Frey in underwear
    Watch the episode

  2. iron man armored adventures uncontrollable Pepper Potts upskirt 0:29-30

  3. Megaman EXE episode 44 the whole episode take place on the beach.
