viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2023


ENGLISH: I am really sorry about nos posting very often lately. The place where I work at is giving us really long hours and I am really tired when I get home. Things should get more normal in january. 

For now have a brief pantyhsot scene from Miel, from the movie Le Parfum de l'invisible.

ESPAÑOL: Lamento mucho no estar posteando tan seguido etos días. Donde trabajo nos tienen con horarios extendidos y cuando llego a casa estoy muy cansado. Las cosas deberían volver a la normalidad en enero. 

Por ahora tengan esta breve escena donde a Miel se le ven los calzones en la película El Perfume del Invisible.

8 comentarios:

  1. Parece ser uma animação bem chata, mas se tem essas partes, então é necessário postar as cenas de onde passou. E a calcinha em que ela usa possui as marcas muito detalhadas da... já sabem. Mas pena não ser uma calcinha transparente, ou rasgada para se poder adicionar a categoria "desnudos", he-he


  3. Edward
    Your enthusiasm and strength keeps the blog alive. You and Dragomaniaco are doing some cool work improving screens updates on the blog. These are hours of work for people like you who do great job!

  4. You mean "not" in between "about" and "posting"?

  5. A cartoon film callled Dave and the magical pearl there is a fight scene between a blond and a mafia boss were theres plenty of pantyshots

  6. In the Christmas special, The Trolls and the Christmas Express, three of the girl elves give an upskirt flash from the front while dancing, singing, and as they do a high kick @ 7:48 and 9:30. And they seem to be going commando. Another one of those moments that happens so quickly and subtly as it’s sneaked in, it needs to be paused or played into slow motion.

    In another, Christmas in Cartoontown, a heavyset woman has a green, lace-trimmed panty or short bloomers shot @ 28:16-28:17 when she falls and rolls backwards as Prince Charming tries to get the glass slipper to fit her foot. Heidi has a side butt shot under her nightgown when she and Alex are scooped up into a sack @ 30:31.

  7. This Christmas and new years video has a panty shot at 1:29 and 1:37-2:09.
