miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2023


ENGLISH: Mina's nudity and towel scenes from the anime short Robot on the Road.

ESPAÑOL:Las escenas de Mina donde sale desnuda o en una toalla, del cortometraje Robot on the Road.

6 comentarios:

  1. Female characters in swimsuits
    Attack of killer tomatos 1:13:45-35:33
    Biker mice from mars 1:44:50-45:00
    Dragon flyz 2:32:46-34:56

    1. Look, it's a shame I never followed this series, because not only is it SUPER LIGHT, it also seemed like it would be really fun to watch. Although an episode that should have been "educational" but I think they went too heavy on the episode. In which there was a creator of "happiness magic" (not to mention cocaine) who spread it over the city, a 13-year-old teenager was one of the victims. Before our heroes destroyed the happiness magic factory, the main villain had sold a huge bag of this magic to this boy, who at the end of the episode died of an overdose from so much "magic" he consumed. The final epilogue showed the protagonist saying to "never accept things from strangers" and giving a wreath of flowers to that teenager's grave.

      Yes, it's a great lesson, but it certainly made a lot of kids cry at the end of that scene :'(

  2. Isso ainda ta parecendo um Hentai para mim, apesar de não ter sexo explicito, mas de longe da para ver uma nudez COMPLETA, he-he. E Edward, quando é que você vai incluir a serie Invencivel aqui? Ela está em enorme sucesso e, tem muito desnudo, toalhas e até roupaus intimas. Na sua HQ mais nude acontece, além da cena mais pesada ocorrendo entre Anissa e o Mark Greyson. Aqui o link da cena polêmica, que certamente vai atrair muita gente aqui... https://imgur.com/gallery/D7EjU

    1. Vou ser honesto, realmente não quero ver Invencivel.
      O show parece tão mesquinho e sombrio.

  3. https://www.wcostream.tv/mysticons-season-2-episode-6-the-dragons-rage there's a wedgie scene
