lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

Vickie el Vikingo / Vicky the Viking

ESPAÑOL: Vickie el vikingo, andando por ahí como Dios lo trajo al mundo. Capturas de la serie Vickie el Vikingo, episodio "La isla de las gaviotas".
Muchas gracias a Alea por las capturas.

ENGLISH: Vicky, the little viking boy, running around naked. Screenshots from the show Vicky the Viking, episode "The Island of the Seagulls". 
Thanks a lot to Alea for the pictures.

7 comentarios:

  1. Let's point out all the things that are wrong about this:

    1. The boy's name is "Vicky"

    2. He's running around naked on top of rocks that can probably skin him.

    3. A seal licks his hide

    Not saying you're wrong for posting this I'm just pointing out all the wrong things in the picture ;)

  2. Lol, you are right, that boy is in a lot of risky situations at the sime time.

  3. S01E09:

    9. On Gull Island (or) The Island of Seals

    Is this correct?
