martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

Barbie, Erika, Madison, Chelsea, Nolee & Delancey

ESPAÑOL: Barbie y sus amigas bañándose en tinas. Imágenes de la serie Barbie My Scene (episodios "Masquerade Madness", "It's a Date" y un episodio desconocido) y la película "Barbie en La Princesa y la Plebeya".
Gracias a Erik por los links y referencias..

ENGLISH: Barbie and her friends takins baths. Screenshots from the Barbie My Scene show (episodes "Masquerade Madness", "It's a Date"and one of unknow title) and the movie "Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper".
Thanks a lot to Erik for the links and references.

3 comentarios:

  1. Apparently they don't have nipples according to Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse.

    1. They touch that matter in Life in the Dreamhouse?

    2. Well Ken was shown with his shirt off at one point and he didn't have any nipples so I'm guessing the girls don't either.
