viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Miracle Grohe

ESPAÑOL: Miracle en su ropa de dormir. Imágenes de la serie Sit Down, Shut Up; episodio "Taming of the Dude".

ENGLISH: Miracle in her sleepclothes. Screenshots from the show Sit Down, Shut Up; episode "Taming of the Dude".

6 comentarios:

  1. could you make brynja wearing swimsuit from code lyoko for big screencaps then clover Sam & Alex wearing bikini from totally spies season 6 episode 22 for big screencaps and now heather and Gwen wearing bikinis from total drama for big screencaps I love her better

    1. Dude, I told you to stop commenting in the blog. This is a last warning. I will delete any comment you make in the future.

    2. It's a wonder why blogger hasn't put in a system where you can block people.

  2. Sleepwear? That looks like underwear to me XD

    1. Beefalotoons have it as sleepclothes, so I used that classification.
