viernes, 2 de junio de 2023

Anonymous Girl / Chica Anónima

ENGLISH: A nameless girl in an orange skirt have some pantyshots in the show Static Shock, episode "Child's Play". 

Thanks to the anonymous commenter for the reference. 

I am sorry I have not been responding to your comments, guys, I been feeling unmotived lately. But I do read all your comments.  

ESPAÑOL: Una chica en una falda anaranjada tiene algunos momentos donde se le ve la ropa interior en Static Shock, episodio "Child's Play". 

Gracias al comentarista anónimo que dejó la referencia. 

Lamento no haber estando contestando sus comentarios, últimamente me he sentido desmotivado. Pero sí leo todos los comentarios que dejan. 

11 comentarios:

  1. Yeah, I know I posted this in the last post, but I hadn't received a response to my suggestion

    1. Strange, a second post of mine was deleted. I'm going to try again to see if there's a bot here that deletes a repeated post, or is it manual deletion:

      Edward, I saw that you've been expanding the BOOKS section a lot, but I remember that last year you had promised to bring the VIDEOGAME category to show the scenes, but in that category you only posted 3. When are you going to start exploring the gaming part? Because what rolls the most are underwear and nudes. Good examples are God Of War 1 to 3 on PS2 and PS3, GTA San Andreas and GTA 5 (with a protagonist who is naked from the waist down in one of the scenes), among other games. The Japanese summer games will bring a lot of variety of bathing suits and some towels for sure

    2. Dragomaniaco It happened with me neither.

    3. Well I don't delete comments so I don't know what happened there. The only comments I ever delete are spam from bots.

      The God of War scenes are coming soon, kind of.

  2. Edward please from this series can you post frame by frame static shock shirtless scene from season 1 episode 1 at 3:24 here

    1. Sure, I can post them, but I will post them along with other scenes of girls in towels.

      I checked the episode and there's another scene of Virgil getting out of bed where he seems to be wearing boxers.

  3. Did I ever send you images from yadamon? The episodes on youtube are gone but I can send them again.It's one of those old animes where there's a pantyshot in nearly every episode and there's 170.

  4. Panty shot in an 1948 cartoon, Make Mine Freedom after 0:28

  5. There is some cartoon that i remember contains pantyshot, One is this called David and the Magic Pearl, i think, there is a part were a blond woman fights a gangster looping boss, wich contains pantyshots.

  6. Hay una película animada rusa llamada Príncipe Iván y el ave de fuego, en los últimos minutos la princesa compañera de Iván, ella combate con los hermanos de Iván, en ese combate hay pantyshot, y también durante el baile después de la batalla
