viernes, 9 de junio de 2023

More Girls from Erroc / Más Chcias de Erroc

ENGLISH: Sorry about being away these last few days, got busy. 

Have some more girls form the book Drôles de Pin-Up, this time girl in underwear or showing a bit of her panties or bra. 

ESPAÑOL: Lamento haberme ausentado los últimos días, estuve ocupado. 

Por hoy tengan algunas chicas más del libro Drôles de Pin-Up, esta vez en ropa interior o mostrando algo de sus sostenes o bragas. 

7 comentarios:

  1. I think I there's an episode in Beast Tamer where the girls were bathing in a lake

  2. Short film call something fishy 1:34 has a woman taking off her pants standing in panties

  3. Hi. Can you do the Kum Kum anime episodes next?

  4. Could you please do Rosie in a bikini from Midnight Patrol: Rosie's Fuss-Attack?

  5. I've got another one Erin Esurance from the insurance company Esurance
    Here's one Esurance- Home Owners
    0:02 Erin was in a towel after taking a shower and changes into a robe when sliding down the stair to answer the phone

  6. At the end of the Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates episode, "Now Day Party", The Girl Who Lives in the Moon has a couple light blue, panty shots from behind as her dress flutters as she and Peter fly back to her home, the moon. @ 21:29.

    Anna in The Story Keepers episode, "Breakout" has a panty shot moment after Zack pulls her closely in the back of a wagon and she turns @ 4:45.

  7. swimsuit scenes from Dirty pair flash 3 amount of almost nude,pantyshots & swimsuits scenes found on alot of the anime from the site is overwhelming.
    Pantyshot of anita from R.O.D tv series at 7:27

    here's another 18:15-18:27

    Overwhelming right? I found this series by accident. It's a anime where girls in swimsuits fight using their butts.
