viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

Atena Saotome

ENGLISH: Atena in a bikini. 

Screenshots from the anime Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory, episode "Sutea Ponders About the Sea". Thanks to NinjaStar6 for the reference.

Some news: It is possible that me and my family go on a trip at some point this month, which would mean I would be away from the blog for a few days. I will let you guys know when it happens. 

ESPAÑOL. Atena en un bikini. 

Capturas del anime Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory, episodio "Sutea Ponders About the Sea".

Muchas gracias a NinjaStar6 por la referencia. 

Unas Noticias: Es posible que yo y mi familia hagamos un viaje en algún momento del mes, lo que me apartaría del blog algunos días. Los mantendré al tanto. 

3 comentarios:

  1. See, NinjaStar6? No need to despair. Just have patience. Edward accept ideas of everyone. It's a thousand ideas cartoons series of people. So, Edward choose one for post. It's like a raffle to win screens for gain a free prize to watch. See what i mean?

  2. Yes thank you D.J.T.O.B.Ã.O. also Ed put in the wrong a category
