ENGLISH: And we are back.I feel better, still have some cough tho.
But let's get things rolling with some comic pages from the Power Girl run of 2009, issues #1 and #9. We can see her taking a shower, covered in just a towel and naked.
ESPAÑOL: Y volvimos. Yo me siento bastante mejor, aún tengo algo de tos.
Por ahora volvamos a las publicaciones con estas páginas del cómic de Power Girl de 2009, de los números #1 y #9, donde podemos verla tomando una ducha y tapada sólo por una toalla y otros objetos.
Naked bodies and one panty girl scene from "El Hazard":
ResponderEliminar"Tale Of Priestesses" (Alura - 12 Minutes and 50 Seconds); https://animesuge.skin/anime/el-hazard-the-wanderers-episode-15
"A Love In Peril" (Shayla don't wear any panty - 16 Minutes and 37-52 Seconds);
"Escape" (Rune and nanami - 8 Minutes and 31 Seconds); https://animesuge.skin/anime/el-hazard-the-wanderers-episode-23
"Destiny" (Shayla with weared panty - 20 Minutes and 7 Seconds);
And The OVA 3: "The Magnificent World" (All girls taking a thermal bath - 7 Minutes and 9 Seconds; 12 Minutes and 15 Seconds; 14 Minutes and 25 Seconds; and 20 Minutes and 34 Seconds).
ResponderEliminarGlad your feeling alittle better
ResponderEliminarepisode 1 panty @11:10-11:18.
episode 2 buttshot @18:21-18:27,@18:34(close up)
episode 3 panty @10:37-10:39,@11:19-11:22.
episode 9 panty @12:32-12:33.
episode 12 swimsuit @2:08-(@11:14-11:17 a gif can be made of her shaking her butt)-16:16,butt @16:17.
episode 31 swimsuit @19:15-20:41.
episode 40 underwear of some kind @8:00-8:07 I know peggy from king of the hill wears something like this and covers up if her son sees her in it.
episode 43 panty @15:51.
episode 44 panty @17:41-17:44,@19:34 her butt.
finished this series.