jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025

Am sick, taking a few days off / Estoy enfermo

ENGLISH: I got sick with a strong flu, basically my body hurts, I have temperature, brain fog, the works. 

So I will take a few days off, hopefully we will be back Monday 3 of March.


ESPAÑOL: Me enfermé con una fiebre fuerte que me tiene con temperatura, dolor corporal, sueño, así que me tomaré unos días libres mientras me recupero. 

Estaremos de vuelta el próximo lunes 3 de marzo.



25 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Gracias. Es una gripe que ha estado dando vueltas por los diferentes miembros de mi familia y me llegó mi turno.

  2. Sorry to hear your condition
    You heard of a YouTube channel Odd Nation Cartoons

    1. That the channel where they are doing the Total Drama Desventure thing, right?

  3. Too bad! Get well. Relax, Ed. Drink much water.

  4. https://archive.org/details/r-raws-mahou-tsukai-sally-2-specials-web-dl480p-2/%5BR-Raws%5D+Mahou+Tsukai+Sally+2+-+01+%5BWEB-DL%5D%5B480p%5D%5B4E17C00F%5D.mp4
    episode 1 panty @6:12-6:17.
    episode 2 panty @11:57-11:59,@13:53-13:58,@17:18-17:33,@19:37-19:49.
    episode 3 panty @2:17-2:27.
    episode 4 panty/gym bloomers @7:44-10:09,@11:45-11:49. episode 5 panty @2:25-2:27.
    episode 6 panty @11:04-11:06.
    episode 7 panty @9:58-10:02,@14:38-14:41.
    episode 8 panty @5:44-5:50,gym bloomers @7:33-8:15.
    episode 9 panty @8:22-8:23,@9:32-9:48,@10:27-10:34,@15:14-:15:23.
    episode 12 panty @4:31-4:36,@14:10-14:13.
    episode 14 gym bloomers @5:37-6:24.
    episode 15 gym bloomer and I guess buttshot but their boys @4:41-4:44(butts)-4:47,panty @12:48-12:51.
    episode 17 panty @3:20-3:23,@4:23-4:30,@8:09-8:23.
    episode 18 panty @17:48-17:55.
    episode 20 bath @12:45-13:02.
    episode 24 panty @20:49-20:56.
    episode 28 leotard @1:40-5:47,@8:09-15:05.
    I'll add another 30 episodes tomorrow.

  5. Também, com essa onda de calor intenso, eu que AMO o verão eu não estou gostando desse excesso de calor que está rolando aqui no Sul do Brasil, eu espero que você melhore, para assim poder postar as 100 imagens prints que o pessoal daqui te enviam direto, he-he. MELHORAS AÍ COMPANHEIRO!

    1. Dragomaniaco
      I'm in swiss visiting my brother right now. It's winter. Veeery cold. I'm freezing. So, it won't be long before i get sick. Maybe, too soon. Always, i want hottest.

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agke5SQGEvA
    Swimsuit @5:53-14:53.

  7. https://archive.org/details/r-raws-mahou-tsukai-sally-2-specials-web-dl480p-2/%5BR-Raws%5D+Mahou+Tsukai+Sally+2+-+01+%5BWEB-DL%5D%5B480p%5D%5B4E17C00F%5D.mp4
    episode 32 panty @5:22-5:33,@5:59-6:05.
    episode 34 panty @1:48-1:51.
    episode 36 swimsuit @2:27-6:56,@9:03-10:15.
    episode 37 @16:30-16:36.
    episode 38 panty @14:17-14:56,@20:28-20:35.
    episode 40 panty @2:16-2:20,@2:29-2:33,@7:57-8:38,@17:16-17:18.
    episode 43 gym bloomers @10:15-11:38.
    episode 44 panty @8:59-9:01,@9:27-9:28.
    episode 45 gym bloomers @2:25-3:36,@10:19-11:00,@11:43-11:51,@13:39-(14:49-14:50 buttshot)-14:59,@19:41-22:17.
    episode 46 panty @3:32-3:36,@4:37-4:44,buttshot @4:48-4:50 I don't know if this is a girl or a boy.panty @4:56-5:03,@13:22-13:27,16:17-16:20 buttshot included,@17:29-17:35,@18:01-18:07.
    episode 47 panty @5:21-5:27,@8:35-8:38,@10:13-10:22,@12:39-12:43,@13:44-13:47.

  8. https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ah5ZwRp1QqDOgutIFicLa2z-cAei5g?e=5eeF29
    comics turma da monica (monica's gang) collection
    theres comics have underwear, briefs, boxers, boxer briefs, swimsuit, pantyshot, panties, bikini

  9. archive.org/details/saru-get-you-2nd/サルゲッチュ~On+Air~2nd+第20話+-+サル・ウィ・ダンス?.mkv
    just found this.Had to clear the list I was making for this.3d characters in swimsuits are very hard to find in actual shows.

    1. I wonder if their are pantyshots in this series.Funny thing about me finding this was that I wasn't even looking for this.I didn't even know that the game had a series.I was just trying to find cubix the series in HD but thats archive for you.

  10. https://archive.org/details/r-raws-mahou-tsukai-sally-2-specials-web-dl480p-2/%5BR-Raws%5D+Mahou+Tsukai+Sally+2+-+01+%5BWEB-DL%5D%5B480p%5D%5B4E17C00F%5D.mp4
    episode 51 panty @2:26-2:29.
    episode 53 panty @6:33-6:38.
    episode 56 panty @21:42-21:50.
    episode 58 panty @8:18-8:21.
    episode 66 panty @4:26-4:29.
    episode 74 gym bloomers @2:32-(butt 2:56)-3:08.
    episode 75 panty @14:35-14:41.
    episode 80 swimsuit @3:03-6:00,@7:29-8:23,@8:56-9:26,@16:26-16:30,@16:42-22:23.
    episode 81 panty @9:08-9:12.
    episode 84 panty @5:11-5:18.
    finished this series.

  11. Ahora ya sabes cómo me sentí cuando estuve enferma el 6 de febrero. Por favor, recupérate pronto.

  12. https://archive.org/details/trollz-2005-hd/Ep+25-+Where+The+Trollz+Are.mp4 & https://archive.org/details/trollz-2005-hd/Ep+26-+Surf+Monster+A-Go-Go.mp4 - both swimsuit episodes.
