ENGLISH: Alice Mitchell in her swimsuit.
From the second opening of the show Dennis the Menace.
Thanks to Dawalk for the reference.
ESPAÑOL: Alice Mitchell en traje de baño.
Capturas del segundo intro de la serie Daniel El Travieso.
Créditos a Dawalk por la referencia.
You're welcome. But I have some more fan service scenes to bring up. First, these are from a few anime:
ResponderEliminarMemole in The Legend of Snow White episode, "Jonas The Great Magician" has a slight upskirt and butt peek from the side when she gets on her knees @ 14:11.
In the original Danball Senki/LBX: Little Battlers Experience series episode, "The Great Labyrinth, Angel Star", Ami Kawamura has a panty peek as she and the boys crouch for a moment to get under a roll-up door @ 8:29. But it's from a distance, so you may have to zoom in for it to be shown better.
In the Akazukin Cha Cha or Red Riding Hood Chacha episode, "Kyuu-chan" to date" or "Date with 'Vampy' Kyuu-chan", Chacha has a frontal bloomers shot, flashing at the camera as Marin drags her along while fleeing @ 13:29.
In "Kyuu-chan no gyakushuu" or "Que-chan Strikes Back", the lower pant legs of Marin's bloomers are shown when she and the others ride some rapids @ 7:30-7:37 from the front and from behind @ 7:43-7:44, 10:19-10:20. She and Chacha have bloomers peeks @ 10:29-10:30 when caught underwater after being sucked in a whirlpool, Marin has a full, frontal one @ 10:35 when she and the others are thrown out of a fountain, Marin has a peek @ 10:37-10:44 after they land. Marin has a few as she rolls after tripping @ 18:05-18:06. A bloomers shot of Marin when she's launched @ 19:09.
Some Terrytoons shorts:
ResponderEliminarIn "Fanny's Wedding Day", the titular character has bare butt shots/peeks as her micro skirt flounces while walking down the aisle @ 1:11-1:16. Side butt shots @ 3:16-3:18 while running through the church.
In "Help Mother Hubbard", this short's Little Miss Muffet has a pantalets shot as she leans back for a moment, then faints upon seeing a spider @ 2:43-2:47. The lower pant legs of Mother Hubbard's bloomers are shown @ 5:04-5:10 as she dances away and a red-headed lady in the cerulean blue cap with matching dress has a frontal panty peek @ 5:30 and another from behind @ 5:32 as she dances out of frame.
The princess from the Gandy Goose and Sourpuss short, "The Frog and the Princess", has a couple panty shots/peeks @ 4:53 and 4:56 as she leaps while dancing around her room.
The female cat from "Gandy's Dream Girl", has a lacy panty shot @ 5:45-5:48 when her dress puffs out like a parachute as she and Gandy land safely to the ground.
In the Mighty Mouse short, "Witch's Cat", the witch wears a few bloomers of various colors and patterns, and most of them slip off as she's thrown into the air. The last pair of bloomers begins to slip off and she's revealed to wear red panties under those, but she pulls her remaining bloomers back up and on @ 5:41-5:46. @ 5:47-5:54, they're suddenly white as she and her cat bounce bumpily down on some stars before landing in The Big Dipper/The Milky Way.
In "Mighty Mouse Meets Bad Bill Bullion" a humanized Pearl Pureheart has ruffled pantalets shots while swinging @ 2:39-2:44, 2:47-2:50, 2:56-3:00, and 3:05-3:08. Pantalets peeks/shots while kicking and twirling @ 3:36-3:48. Partial showing of pantalets while on top of a stagecoach @ 4:54 and she's left in her underwear for a moment after Bad Bill takes her out of her tiered skirt @ 5:00-5:05 and 5:07-5:09. Showing of Pearl's underwear again @ 5:48-5:57.
In Van Beuren's Rainbow Parade short, "Japanese Lantern", the Japanese girl in the dark imperial blue kimono has an undies shot while rolling a lantern across her feet @ 4:52-4:59 and the boy in the red kimono has an undies shot while falling/tumbling in the air before landing in a lantern @ 5:20.
The Little Bo Peep from the ComiColor Cartoons short, "Little Boy Blue" (a.k.a. "The Big Bad Wolf") has a long bloomers shot from behind briefly as she attempts to climb up a ladder, but slides down to the ground as her skirt hikes up @ 5:25. She has a couple frontal panty shots @ 5:45-5:46 while tumbling down the chimney towards the camera and another @ 5:47 when she lands in the fireplace.
In "The Honest Woodsman" segment of either the "Honesty" or "Honor" episode of Adventures from the Book of Virtues", Heidi has an independence blue panty shot from behind when she jumps down from a bench @ 5:39-5:40. You may have to zoom in on this one too, since it's from far away. The episode that has this segment is supposed to be "Honor", but "Honesty" has it instead for some reason.
The pigtailed, red-headed girl from "The Stars in the Sky" segment of the first season's "Perseverance" has a partially white/light sea green, knee-length bloomers shot as she tumbles backwards onto the grass @ 13:39-13:40. She also has a butt shot @ 13:58. White, partial bloomers shot again @ 14:15-14:16 while sliding down a rainbow.
In the Fountain Kids musical segment, "Hop A Little", a ponytailed, brunette girl has a light lavender panty shot/panty peek while she and the boy jump on a bouncy animal @ 0:25-0:29. She has a light misty blue one from the side @ 0:30 as her minidress billows as she begins to hop again and as she's in motion in the air doing this.
That's all for now. Again, I know you have other things going on besides this blog, but I just hope you're not forgetting about the other contributions I made in some of these posts' comments sections you have yet to post on here. I just don't want anyone else taking the credit for bringing up video links I already brought up, but if anyone does, then I'd like the credit to be shared.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiT3MZgMVB0 chibiverse swimsuits @0:50-2:06.It's does continue but only for darcy & helen until @6:12-6:57.Some credit does go to Dawalk because I was checking one of his links and found this.That Fountain Kids musical was pure evil.
ResponderEliminarepisode 1 pantyshot @14:12:05-14:12:23.You'll need to use something that lets you move frame by frame for this one or be really good at stopping the video in milliseconds.toppling @16:51-16:53.pantyshot @20:00-20:02.
episode 2 @4:36-4:39,@5:01-5:03,@5:53-5:58,@12:13-12:41,@14:15-14:18,@15:30-15:32.I may leave some out if I feel like they're not 100% worth mentioning.
episode 3 pantyshot @15:43-17:05.You'll need to stop at exactly @16:23:06 for that pantyshot because it's only 14 milliseconds long.Funny animation error but when she loses most of her clothes,@16:00 she still has pants.
episode 4 she get naked @5:16-5:25,@15:37-15:44.She's basically magical girl ben 10.
episode 5 pantyshot @4:13-4:22,@11:00-11:02.
episode 6 pantyshot @15:09-15:11.
episode 7 pantyshot @5:52-5:59,@7:14-7:19,@7:29 I can't believe he did that.@7:41-7:49.buttshot @8:36-8:44.It's funny because as this happens.I think buttshot which is something I wouldn't have though of until you starting I saw it on here.
episode 8 pantyshot @9:02:00-9:02:23,@10:06-10:08.
episode 9 pantyshot @3:23-3:24,nude @13:50-13:54.
episode 10 pantyshot @4:08-4:09,buttshot/nude @9:32:09,@12:12-12:16,@13:15-13:16,@13:48-13:50,@17:34-17:36,@17:55-18:08.
episode 11 pantyshot? @8:11-8:12(this character has a mustache so I don't know if this is early trans in anime.Here's another @8:28-8:34.I think she's a woman because she has a daughter and I don't know if she's just suppose to be ugly? don't want to spoil it until I can actually watch it.@13:17-13:24.This is straight up funny @5:13.I've though of this but didn't expect to see it animated.
episode 12 pantyshot @4:09-4:19.
episode 13 nude @7:07-7:10,@8:22-8:25,@12:21-12:23.
episode 14 pantyshot @3:55-3:56.that female character with the moustache appears again but without the moustache.nude @13:40-13:45.
episode 15 nude @15:47-15:49.
episode 17 nude @6:05-6:08,@11:27-11:31.
episode 18 pantyshot @7:40-7:46.
episode 19 nude @5:59-6:04,@17:47-17:50.
episode 20 pantyshot @19:55-19:58.
episode 21 nude @17:46-17:49.
episode 22 nude @17:14-17:20.
episode 23 nude @15:43-15:46.
episode 24 pantyshot @8:20-8:25,nude @17:10-17:12.
episode 25 pantyshot @2:06-2:25,@4:20-4:24,nude @8:08-8:13,@12:05-12:16.
finished this series.
EliminarIn episode 7 that's with the blonde girl in the red dress? Does she have any other pantyshots or is just this one episode?
EliminarRed dress? If she has a bow then yes it's just episode 7.
EliminarI may have missed some nude scenes as she gets naked everytime she transforms.
ResponderEliminarEleanor white panty (10 Minutes and 48 Seconds) in episode "Queen Of High School Ballroom". https://archive.org/details/1983-alvin-and-the-chipmunks-complete/Alvin+%26+The+Chipmunks+(1983)+Complete/Season+6+Complete/S6E21+Theodore's+Life+as+a+Dog+%2B+Queen+of+the+High+School+Ballroom.mp4
ResponderEliminarepisode 2 nude @18:18-18:21.This version seems watered down and may only have nudes which will probably not b worth mentioning since they're not all that great but it's too early to call.
episode 3 nude @18:58-19:04.
episode 4 @18:57-19:01.
episode 5 belly dancer outfit/nude @17:34-18:21.
episode 7 nude @16:56-17:00.
I'll probably keep checking episodes until I find the swimsuit episode and end the search their.
episode 19 swimsuit @3:10-15:04.
Done with this.I google the episode.If you want the remaining nude stuff just fast forward to to the transformation scene.
ResponderEliminarepisode 1 panty/nude @17:00-17:12,@19:06-19:15. @19:31 -She has nipples even in monster form.
episode 2 panty @3:47-4:18,nude/panty/sexy outfit @7:18-11:25.The villain shown is clearly naked and the crystals censor parts that need to be censored.Shin is very different from flash.nudes @14:06-16:08,@16:20-18:33,@19:41 - The villain here is more naked then the last one.Guess that's gonna be a thing in this series.
episode 3 nude @6:35-6:42,@7:36-7:56,@9:31-10:13,@17:26-17:34.
episode 4 @7:32-7:36,@10:52-11:03,@13:11-13:49.
episode 5 panty @6:39-6:40,@9:49-9:50,nusde @11:07-11:11,@13:31-13:46,@17:24-19:04 -I thought this was a man cause of her face and I was fast forwarding.
episode 6 breast @7:21-7:35,swimsuit @12:24-12:50,@13:56-:16:25,nude @18:04-18:13.
episode 7 nude/panty @7:49-8:06,@8:37-9:03,@10:06-10:12,@15:18-15:20.
episode 8 strippers maybe @6:21-7:10,boobs @8:59-9:27,nude/boob lady @10:38-11:04,@11:37-11:53,@13:04-13:11,@18:01-18:08,@19:42-19:55,@20:15-20:17.
finished this series.
ResponderEliminarepisode 1 nudes @4:28-5:06,@7:09-7:17,pantys in intro @7:30-8:31,panty @28:44-28:46,nude @30:43-31:21,butt/nude @34:46-38:01.
episode 2 nude @28:26-30:05,@36:46-38:40.
episode 3 nude @0:00-0:34,panty @7:38,nude @11:01-11:50,@36:58-40:28,42:34-42:50.
finished with this series.
ResponderEliminarbrighteyes swimsuit @18:12-19:50